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238,900 miles from earth

Lives a moon

One that’s small and gray

And circles the earth endlessly

But as all things do, this will end one day

In the meantime, we name all parts of this sad little moon

We name its bumps and rough edges craters

and we call them things like

Tycho, Copernicus, and Plato

Humans are hilariously bittersweet in that

We name things that will never be remembered

We tell children what they’ll be called for all of their lives

And give different seas different names

Because we all speak in different tongues

The Earth deserves all of its many names

As I’m sure the turtle doesn’t call it earth as the common boy does

Or the rabbit call it the same as the snake

But the bright orb we call moon doesn’t deserve its lowly name

Why name something so far away

Why put a finger on something so lucky to be so


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